March 03rd 2020

Hiking the Tommerup-Assens railroad

The Tommerup-Assens railroad is an abandoned railroad, stretching between the two Danish cities of Tommerup and Assens on Fuen. It has a total length of around 30km and has been abandoned since the late 1960s. I discovered the railroad after spending some time on Google maps, looking for potential places I could visit at some point in the future. It caught my interest because I had first of all, never tried to hike an actual railroad, and secondly, it's length was suitable for a one-day hike. It wasn't until around 3 months later that I actually decided to head out and hike the entire line.

Just keep up the good mood and keep on going!

Getting to the starting point: Assens

I decided I would walk in the direction of Tommerup, with starting point in Assens. This turned out to be the most practical direction to go, as I could then take the train back to where I currently live, the city of Odense. I took a bus in morning on February 27th from Odense at around 09:30 and arrived at Assens 10:35. After stocking up on a few snacks for the walk, I located the beginning of the railroad and started my hike.

One of the goals of the hike was to get a feeling of what it would be like to walk 30 kilometers in one day. I needed to test myself so that I can get the experience, rather than trying avoid it by researching online. I also documented the hike! I want to keep practicing using video equipment and develop a natural flow for when I am in front of a camera lens.

The railroad passes trough several towns so you get plenty of chances to stop for a snack at the local grill or supermarket, so you don't necessarily have to bring everything from start. I was also very lucky with the weather (weather talk is big here in Denmark), as it is very unpredictable, especially during the winter season. I could see dense rain (or snow) clouds in the horizon far away and could easily tell it was a heavy downpour, but I remained a safe distance from it.

Dense cloud formations in the distance.

I defiantly got a feel for what it takes to walk 30 kilometers, not just physical, but also mentally. Especially as all the constant walking started to wear out my legs, but none the less, I kept on going. It gave me some useful experience that I can use for future trips and helped me push my boundaries a little more, by experiencing freedom in my own way.

I explicit wanted to perform some sort of outdoor activity in the colder period of the year in order to train and slowly adapt my body to going out in the colder temperatures. It's a part of a long term goal of being able to comfortably sleep outside during the winter season. So, makes sure to check out the video I posted - it has some good content about hiking the railroad.