Have a look through my skills

top skills.

HTML, CSS, JS The basic web technologies jQuery Popular JS library PHP Programming language Laravel PHP Framework Laravel Nova Popular CRM extension to Laravel Laravel Forge Manage websites and deployments with ease Bootstrap Front-end framework Wordpress Open source CMS UI/UX The design of user interfaces for software REST API REST API's in both Laravel and ASP.NET Core MySQL Especially good with phpMyAdmin Three.js A 3D viewer in JS MongoDB Integrated MongoDB into Laravel framework

moderate skills.

MPEG-DASH Adaptive Streaming over HTTP ffmpeg and Bento4 Video encoding libraries used to generate fragmented video files and DASH files Vue 3 A progressive JavaScript Framework Vuex A state management pattern for Vue dhtmlxgantt A client-side gantt-chart library dhtmlxkanban A client-side kanban library

I am still learning these.

Node.js A cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment

top skills.

C# Programming language SQL Programming language WPF Windows Presentation Foundation Windows Forms A stable since 2002, I have done a lot of work in Windows Forms .NET Framework Software framework Entity Framework Software framework ASP.NET Core Web framework MVC Model-View-Controller architectural pattern Marshalling Marshalling is often used when importing native C++ code from Windows DLL files Autodesk Revit API Developed add-ins for Autodesk Revit in .NET winspool.drv I just have a thing for print drivers Microsoft Visual Studio IDE HeidiSQL Database Manager

moderate skills.

Microsoft Azure A cloud computing service Java Programming language

I got into SDR because of my interest in how wireless communications work. In SDR, the hardware components that make up a radio has been replaced by software, which for me was perfect as it allowed me to apply my knowledge to get started with radio communications and experiment with radio waves and frequencies. As a result, I spent one semester of Computer Science specializing in SDR.

top skills.

SDRSharp A software defined radio platform HackRF One A transceiver device (hardware) GNU Radio Companion A Linux-based software defined radio platform allowing full control of the radio Linux Pentoo OS Linux Pentoo distribution

I am still learning these.

libHackRF API An API to control the HackRF One Digital signal processing Digitized signals and how to mathematically manipulate them

Other skills or work that I have done but are too unrelated to fit in the other categories will be shown here.

mobile development.

I worked with React Native for a duration of 3 months at a previous work where I developed an android application which displayed live data from sensors (Compliant Concept Mobility Monitor) using an API. The application never made it past it's prototype stage and eventually development was halted, but this gave me some useful experience with app development and understanding about native apps.

video editing.

Although not my main profession, I am very passionate about video and motion picture. I work with DaVinci Resolve 15 where I do editing, color grading, slow-motion and effects in order to give my videos a professional look and feel.


I speak native Danish, fluent English and moderate German.